cozia national park
The Cozia National Park is located on the south-central part of the Romanian Southern Carpathians also known as the Transylvanian Alps. This park is home for a lot of species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects, and, of course, a lot of species of trees and plants. In here, I saw for the first time a bear and a wolf, and I heard a lynx. This national park is kind of split into two regions, one touristic (with marked hiking paths) and one wilder and with a lot of wonders to discover. The Cozia National Park is located the south-central part of the Romanian Southern Carpathians also known as the Transylvanian Alps. This park is home for a lot of species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects, and, of course, a lot of species of trees and plants. In here, I saw for the first time a bear and a wolf, and I heard a lynx. This national park is kind of split into two regions, one touristic (with marked hiking paths) and one wilder and with a lot of wonders to discover. Here, I started my hiking adventures and my photographic career, and I usually call this place my second home because I am going here a lot. This place is not just a place in nature in which I go, learn, and taking photos, it is a spiritual place, in which I get connected deeper with Mother Nature. From the Cozia Peak (also known as Ciuha Mare, 1668 m) you have a better one of the most beautiful views over the Olt's Valley. Also, if you're lucky enough, you will meet chamois at the most important moments of the day (sunrise and sunset), also, the residents of this national park.